News 2020

Some lovely adds of some of ny latest Champions

So happy with all my 3 siblings, that has been x-rayed Hips and elbows, all free!
N Ch NV-20 Ballygran's Ithel InnisN Ch
NV-20 Ballygran's Igraine Iseabéal
N Ch Ballygran's Iona Inira
Photos: Nina Bless

19.November 2020 Jolene 2 years old today!
A BIG happy birthday to my crazy and funny "Jolene" - Ballygran's Jacolin Jolene. She is 2 year old today.
Photo: Nina Bless

N Ch NV-20 Ballygran's Ithel Innis Nr 1 Irish Wolfhound in Norway at the NKK Winner list
I am so proud of my beautiful «Innis» who are number 1 most winning Irish Wolfhound Norwegian Kennel Club 2020N Ch NV-20 Ballygran's Ithel Innis

October National Show in Førde. Judge Arne Foss, Norway
Some lovely resultater for the show yesterday.
N Ch NV-20 Ballygran's Ithel Innis was 2 best male with CQ. The sister N Ch Ballygran's Iona Inira was best bitch, CQ and BOS. My lovely veteran N Ch Ballygran's Gweneira Gwenn was 2 best bitch, CQ and BOB veteran.
My two whippet puppies was at the show for the first time, and loves it! Ballygran's Crawley was best male puppy 4-6 months with HP (very promising), and ended also up as best male and BOS. The sister Ballygran's Clover had a little to much fun, and was more in the air then on the floor, but had a great time and was 2 best puppy in her clas with HP. Judge: Arne Foss, Norway

01.09.2022 Anwen is 9 years old
BIG happy birthday to «Anwen» on her 9th birthday!!! Still full of life, funny and beautiful .
N Ch NVV-20 Irdalens Dream of Life
(N S Ch Ballygran's Fion Fleetwind McMagnum - Irdalens A Special one).
Picture taken by talented Nina Bless, just before Anwens 9th birthday

NKK Int dogshow in Stavanger
Back home after a lovely show in Stavanger. Int Norw Kennel Club show
N Ch NV-20 Ballygran's Ithel Innis, best male, BOB with CACIB. No finals arranged due to Corona.
Ballygran Jacolin Jolene was 2 best bitch with res Cac and res CACAB. Thank you to judge Børge Espeland for the nice critiques and for appreciating my hounds. "Beverly" - N Ch Ballygran's Beverly was also shown for sighthound specialist Espen Engh. Unfortunately she was not back in top condition after having puppies 16 weeks ago. But got a nice critique. She was 4th best in champion Clas with CC.

IIW Specialty 2020. Judge Tore Grønhaug, Norway & Int Kennel CLub Show Lillehammer, Judge: Brit Schöne Brodwall, Norway.
Best in Show Veteran at the IW Specialty 2020
N UCh Ballygran's Gweneira Gwenn (N S UCh Ballygran's Fion Fleetwind McMagnum - N UCh Ballygran's Dara Dubh). 8,5 years old. Not entered the next day for the Int NKK show.
N UCh Ballygran's Iona Inira (Manaus Du Grand Chien De Culann - N UCh NVV-20 Irdalen's Dream og Life). Winning a bit Champion Class and ended as 2 best bitch. Also picked out to compete in best movement.
N UCh NV-20 Ballygran's Igraine Iseabéal (Manaus Du Grand Chien De Culann - N UCh NVV-20 Irdalen's Dream og Life). placed as 3 best bitch in Open class.
Entered the next day at the Int NKK show, under Sighthound Specialist Brit Schöne Brodwall, Norway, winning BOB and Norwegian Winner 2020.
N Ch NV-20 Ballygran's Ithel Innis
(Manaus Du Grand Chien De Culann - N UCh NVV-20 Irdalen's Dream og Life).
Placed as 2nd best Champion and ended as 3rd best male at the SPecialty. ALso picked out to compete in best movement.
Next day at the Kennel Club he won best male BOS and Norwegian Winner 2020 under sighthound specialist Brit Schöne Brodwall.
N Ch NVV-20 Irdalens Dream of Life (N S UCH Ballygran's Fion Fleetwind McMagnum - Irdalens A Special One) 9 years old, endes as 3rd best veteran bitch. The next day she ended up at BOB veteran at the Kennel CLub show and Norwegian Veteran WInner 2020.

11.08.2020 Something exploded....

05.08.2020 Made a new Kennel sign for my kitchen door

Judging the Norwegian Whippet Specialty show in Trondheim
A lovely and well arranges show by the whippet club.
My lovely winner, and also winning the next day under Sighthound Specialty judge Brit Schöne Brodwall. C.I.B No, Se, Dk Ch Nv-14,Nordv-14 Courtborne Sagittarius.

05.07.2020 Brother & Sister...
Ballygran's Crawley and CLover 8 weeks young.

02.07.20 Leaving for his forewer home...

30.06.20 Last evening together.....

29.06.20 Been at the vet office
All the puppies has been checked and been given their vax, ID chip and health check before leaving for their forever home.

27.06.2020 Puppies are 7 weeks old
Suna Regnes Flower's Arish x N Ch Ballygran's Beverly